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Middle School Remnant

Josh Lucas Youth Director
Call: 712-754-2783
or Email Josh

Who Is Middle School Remnant?

Middle School Remnant is a time where middle school students (grades 6--8) come together to fellowship and grow in faith together.  Meeting weekly from September-May from 6:30 -7:30 pm in the youth room at FRC.  It is here where we dive into the word of God in a safe and secure place. We discuss the Bible and talk about how this relates to everyday struggles that we still have today. Games, snacks, and fellowship may also be part of the evening.  Regular youth group activities include Wednesday night meetings.  Various activities include youth retreats, games and summer outings provide venues for deepening our friendships and creating memories together.  These are supplemented by occasional spiritual growth opportunities, service trips and projects, and Power Connection.

Power Connection!!

Power Connection is a middle school youth conference held two out of every three years in either Minneapolis or Kansas City. This weekend conference is an awesome opportunity for us to connect with the other Reformed Churches in the Midwest and to serve and worship God together. If that isn't enough, each conference includes an evening at a theme park!

Forms and Links You Might Need!!

Sign Up For REMIND:

Remind is the program we will use to send out text messages to certain groups that you have signed up for. For instance, if church is cancelled due to weather, we can send a mass text message to everyone who is signed up for Congregation)

Step 1: Go to REMIND
Step 2: Click Log In or Sign Up (if you are new to Remind)
Step 3: Click Join a Class
Step 4: Enter your Class code:   Class code: @ msremt

To register for Power Connection: 

please click here
Registration instructions: 
1. Click on the link
2. Scroll down to the "Power Connection" link. Click on it.
3. It will take you to the registration form be sure to click "Iowa" for State and "Sibley-First Reformed Church" 
4. Fill out the form and make sure to put "NO" on the "Work Camp".


Youth Medical Release form:

This form is required for students to attend our events this year. Please bring it to your first event, or pick them up from Josh. This form is needed for our retreats.
Medical Release Form (Word Doc)
Medical Release Form (PDF)


Trip Scholarship form:

This form is available if you find it difficult to pay for an upcoming trip. Whatever financial need you have will be covered by anonymous FRC members that want to make sure youth ministry trips are available for everyone.
Scholarship Applications (Word Doc)
Scholarship Applications (PDF)