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Return to Church Transition Update...June 28,2020

June 24, 2020
By First Reformed Church

On Monday, June 22, 2020, our Administrative Team met once again and decided that we will continue in Phase 1a which means keeping things like they are when it comes to worship.  We however are going to move to Phase 2b for other church activities.  This means, beginning Sunday, June 28th, we will allow small groups (10 people or fewer) to meet in the church. We ask that groups who meet in church abide by the social distancing guidelines of a 6-foot distance.  If you would like to meet in the church you need to contact Jamie in the office, so we are aware when you are here.  That will allow us to make sure we disinfect and clean the area you use after you are done.

We are asking all meetings to be held in the Fireside Room only.  You can arrange the room according to your needs.  Again, please inform Jamie if you will be needing the use of that room.  The youth group will also be able to begin meeting. Josh will inform all students and parents of the guidelines he will have as they meet together.

When a church activity or meeting is not in the church, groups of more than 10 can meet if they are outdoors and again are social distancing.  Our community has done a great job of keeping COVID-19 numbers down. As we begin to meet face to face with more people, we want to continue to keep those numbers low.